编者按Editorials推动中法全面战略伙伴关系,实现中法共同繁荣,将为世界和平发展注入强劲动能。近日,清华大学气候变化与可持续发展研究院院长李政教授、全球气候治理研究主任胡彬接受了《中国日报》采访,对中法在绿色转型领域的合作前景予以解读。以下内容来自《中国日报》。China and France, with long, pragmatic and fruitful climate cooperation, have great potential for jointly improving climate governance and ...
On May 8-9, the United States hosted in Washington, D.C., a meeting of the U.S.-China Working Group on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s, which is co-led by Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy John Podesta and PRC Special Envoy for Climate Change Liu Zhenmin and includes relevant officials from the two countries.The in-depth discussions recalled the San Francisc...
As the special climate envoys of China and the United States, Xie Zhenhua and John Kerry have spent years on opposite sides of negotiating tables.They are rivals, but also bosom friends.During the COP28 climate change conference late last year, Xie, 74, attended a private gatherin...
On October 10 (UTC+8), the 20th Anniversary of Tsinghua-bp Collaboration and Academic Exchange Symposium was successfully held at Tsinghua University. Participants, represented by Zeng Rong, Vice President of Tsinghua University, Leigh-Ann Russell, Executive Vice President of Innovation and Engineering, bp Group, Simon Yang, Senior Vice President of bp Group and President of bp China, Ni Weidou...
《人民日报》2023年4月5日02版 气候变化是人类发展过程中产生的问题,也只能通过可持续发展来解决。中国将坚定不移推动实现碳达峰碳中和目标,一如既往积极参与应对气候变化国际合作 当前,全球气候危机日趋严峻紧迫,绿色低碳转型任重道远。世界经济论坛发布的《2023年全球风险报告》梳理了全球十大风险,其中多项风险与气候变化相关。气候变化是人类发展过程中产生的问题,也只能通过可持续发展来解决。 中国...